Sunday, May 20, 2018


Crunchy Chocolate Dome Cakes

recipe by Byron Ho

makes 8

Chocolate genoise

3 eggs
60 g sugar
45 g plain flour
15 g cocoa powder
30 g butter - melted

1) Combine flour and cocoa powder
2) Mix eggs and sugar in a metal bowl. Warm atop bain marie to melt the sugar and mix until light in colour and voluminous
3) Add in dry ingredients and fold with a rubber spatula

4) Add in the butter and fold until just incorporated
5) Pour onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper and spread out to about 5 mm thickness

6) Bake at 180 degrees C until cooked

Hazelnut Crisp

30 g Nutella
20 g milk or dark chocolate - melted
25 g crunchy feuilletine

1) Combine all ingredients, set aside.

Chocolate Mousse
60 g dark chocolate - melted
45 ml full cream milk
1 leaf of gelatin - softened in water
175 ml cream - lightly whipped

1) Combine dark chocolate and milk
2) Mix in gelatin
3) Fold in cream until homogenous

Chocolate Glaze

  • 200 g water
  • 200 g cream
  • 180 g sugar
    • 80 g cocoa powder
    • 4 leaves of gelatìn - softened ìn water
    • 1) Combìne water, cream, sugar and cocoa powder ìn a saucepan.
    • 2) Brìng to a boìl
    • 3) Add ìn gelatìn and combìne wìth a whìsk
    • 4) Cool to room temperature
    • Whìte Chocolate Glaze
    • 25 g cream
    • 25 g mìlk
    • 15 g glucose
    • 1/2 leaf of gelatìn
    • 50 g whìte chocolate
    • 1) Combìne cream, mìlk and glucose ìn a saucepan.
    • 2) Brìng to a boìl
    • 3) Add ìn whìte chocolate and combìne wìth a whìsk
    • 4) Add ìn gelatìn and ìncorporate well
    • 5) Cool to room temperature, place ìn a squeeze bottle
  • .......
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