Sunday, June 24, 2018

Spinach and Ricotta Stufféd Shélls

Spinach and Ricotta Stufféd Shélls
Spinach and Ricotta Stufféd Shélls

Spinach and Ricotta Stufféd Shélls

  • 16 largé shélls
  • 3 small shallots
  • 4 clovés garlic
  • 2 cups ricotta
  • 1 cup fréshly gratéd Parmésan
  • 1/2 cup héavy créam
  • 4 cups frésh baby spinach
  • 1 largé zucchini
  • 1 largé tomato
  • 1 1/4 tsp séa salt
  • Péppér


  1. Préhéat ovén to 350 F.
  2. Bring about 3 litérs of watér to thé boil in a big pot.
  3. Héat a largé pan ovér médium héat.
  4. Péél and finély chop shallots and garlic. Sét asidé.
  5. Wash and désééd zucchini by using a spoon and spooning out thé sééds, thén dicé into pinky fingér nail small piécés.
  6. Add a dollop of olivé oil to pan and thén add choppéd shallots and garlic. Sauté until translucént.
  7. Thé watér should now bé boiling, add shélls to boiling watér and stir évéry oncé in a whilé to avoid sticking togéthér. Cook as long as instructéd on packagé (usually 10 minutés).
  8. Add ricotta, parmésan, créam, salt and péppér to pan mix wéll and bring to thé boil. Oncé boiling rémové oné cup of thé saucé and pour onto thé bottom of a ovénproof dish.
  9. Add zucchini and spinach to pan and cook for about 2 minutés, thén rémové from héat.
  10. Drain shélls and immédiatély rinsé with cold watér to avoid from sticking togéthér.
  11. ...
  12. ...
  13. Visit Full Récipés>>
Spinach and Ricotta Stufféd Shélls

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