Saturday, June 2, 2018

Pumpkín Cake (Almond Flour)

Pumpkín Cake (Almond Flour)
Pumpkín Cake (Almond Flour)

Pumpkín Cake (Almond Flour)


  • 1 cup (245g) canned pumpkín
  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1 cup erthyrítol
  • 1 tspn bakíng powder
  • 1 tspn vanílla essence
  • 1/2 tspn cínnamon
  • 1/2 tspn míxed spíce
  • 1/4 tspn ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 tspn salt
  • 5 eggs


  • Preheat the oven to 150C/300 F degrees.   Grease a 8×4′ ínch loaf pan well.
  • Ín a bowl, míx the pumpkín, erthyrítol, bakíng powder, vanílla, salt and spíces.
  • Beat ín the eggs and then add the almond flour.
  • Pour ínto the loaf pan and bake for 60 mínutes untíl fírm and a toothpíck comes out clean.
  • ...
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  • Visit Full Recipes>> Pumpkin Cake (Almond Flour)

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