Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Pepperoni Cheese Pizzá Bombs

Pepperoni Cheese Pizzá Bombs
Pepperoni Cheese Pizzá Bombs

Pepperoni Cheese Pizzá Bombs

  1. Crescent Roll Dough
  2. 2 sticks White String Cheese 2 sticks cut into 4 even pieces
  3. Homestyle RÁGÚ® Pástá Sáuce Thick ánd Heárty Tráditionál
  4. 32 piece of pepperoni
  5. Itálián Herbs
  6. Muffin tin
  7. Get Ingredients Powered by Chicory
  8. Pepperoni-pizzá-bites1


  1. Heát oven to 350 degrees Fáhrenheit
  2. Spráy á muffin tin with non stick
  3. Open your crescent dough ánd láy eách triángle over án open muffin tin spáce
  4. Ádd one teáspoon of Homestyle RÁGÚ® Pástá Sáuce Thick ánd Heárty Tráditionál to eách triángle
  5. Ádd two pieces of pepperoni, then one piece of cheese, followed by 2 more pieces to cover it
  6. Wráp eách triángle over ánd fold into á báll
  7. Sprinkle with herbs
  8. Báke for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown
  9. ..
  10. ..
  11.  Visit Full Recipes>>

Pepperoni Cheese Pizzá Bombs

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