Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Kèy Limè Piè Bundt Cakè

Kèy Limè Piè Bundt Cakè
Kèy Limè Piè Bundt Cakè

Kèy Limè Piè Bundt Cakè


  • 1 whitè cakè mix, dry not prèparèd
  • 1 small box instant vanilla pudding, dry not prèparèd
  • 4 èggs
  • ½ cup sour crèam
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ¾ cup oil
  • ¾ cup kèy limè juicè
  • 1 tèaspoon vanilla
  • 2 drops grèèn food color if dèsirèd


  • 12 ouncès crèam chèèsè, softènèd
  • 4 cups powdèrèd sugar
  • 1 tèaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ tèaspoon salt
  • Zèst of kèy limès to garnish


  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès F.
  2. Grèasè and flour a bundt pan and sèt asidè.
  3. In a largè mixing bowl, combinè cakè mix, pudding, èggs, sour crèam, sugar, oil, kèy limè juicè and vanilla. Bèat for thrèè minutès. Add grèèn food color if you dèsirè.
  4. Pour into a bundt pan that has bèèn grèasèd and flourèd.
  5. Bakè at 350 dègrèès F for 35 to 45 minutès.
  6. Cool in pan on a rack for 5 minutès. Thèn rèmovè from pan and cool complètèly.
  7. ..
  8. ..
  9. Visit Full Rècipès>>Kèy Limè Piè Bundt Cakè

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