Friday, June 29, 2018

Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè

Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè
Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè

Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè


  • 2 tablèspoons (15 g) of cornstarch
  • 2½ cups of wholè milk
  • A big slicè of pèèl from a lèmon and an orangè (notè: not thè zèst, but rathèr big slicès of thè pèèl)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 5 largè ègg yolks
  • ½ cup supèrfinè sugar (if you can't find supèrfinè, don't worry, it'll just bè a bit morè grainy)
  • Additional sugar to caramèlizè on top
  • Frèsh fruit (likè figs, raspbèrriès or strawbèrriès) to top


  • Put thè milk on thè stovè in a small saucèpan, along with thè citrus pèèls and thè cinnamon stick. Slowly bring to a boil.
  • Dissolvè thè cornstarch in a splash of watèr and sèt asidè.
  • Whilè thè milk is slowly hèating, bèat thè ègg yolks with thè sugar, until thè mixturè turns palè yèllow. Bèat in thè dissolvèd cornstarch and a spoonful of thè hot milk.
  • Rèmovè thè citrus pèèls and cinnamon stick from thè hot milk, and lowèr thè hèat.
  • Slowly add thè ègg yolk mixturè to thè milk, making surè to kèèp stirring so that thè èggs don't scramblè!
  • Stir constantly ovèr a low hèat, until thè mixturè has thickènèd.
  • Rèmovè from thè hèat and pour thè mixturè into traditional clay dishès or ramèkins.
  • Allow thè custard to cool, and thèn covèr in plastic wrap and chill thè crèma catalanas for about four hours (prèfèrably ovèrnight).
  • ...
  • ...
  • Visit Full Rècipè>>    Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè

Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè
Homèmadè Spanish Crèma Catalana Rècipè

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