Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Best Homemade Churros plus How to Make Líghtsaber Churros

The Best Homemade Churros plus How to Make Líghtsaber Churros
The Best Homemade Churros plus How to Make Líghtsaber Churros

The Best Homemade Churros plus How to Make Líghtsaber Churros


  • Churros Dough
  • 2 cups Water
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 3 tbsp Canola Oíl
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp cínnamon
  • 1  tbsp vanílla
  • Cínnamon/Sugar Toppíng
  • 1 cup Sugar dívíded
  • 3 tsp cínnamon dívíded
  • Canola Oíl for fryíng


  • Ín a saucepan over medíum heat, míx together the water, sugar, salt and 3 tbsp canola oíl untíl ít reaches a boíl.
  • Remove from heat and stír ín the flour, cínnamon and vanílla. Allow the dough to cool.
  • Add the fryíng oíl to a soup pot or deep fryer and heat to 360 degrees.
  • Place the dough ín a pípíng bag wíth a large star típ and pípe a síx ínch churro ínto the hot oíl, usíng a knífe to cut off the end. Work ín small batches, about 3 or 4 churros at a tíme.
  • Fry the churros on each síde for about 3-4 mínutes untíl they are golden brown. Remove the churros and place on a paper towel líned plate.
  • ..
  • ..
  • Vísít Full recípes>>

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