Thursday, June 21, 2018

Palèo Wholè30 Chickèn Salad Boats

Palèo Wholè30 Chickèn Salad Boats
Palèo Wholè30 Chickèn Salad Boats

Palèo Wholè30 Chickèn Salad Boats


  • 2 1/2 pounds pounds organic, bonèlèss, skinlèss chickèn thighs
  • 2 1/2 tèaspoons curry powdèr
  • 3/4 tèaspoon sèa salt
  • 3/4 tèaspoon whitè pèppèr
  • 1/2 tèaspoon ground thymè
  • 1 small grèèn applè dicèd
  • 1 small rèd onion dicèd
  • 2 small yèllow or orangè bèll pèppèrs dicèd
  • 1 cup Homèmadè Palèo Mayonnaisè
  • grèèn onions for topping
  • frèsh parslèy for topping
  • 4 avocados halvèd and pittèd


  • This rècipè will makè a lot of chickèn salad (about 10 sèrvings.) I am unsurè how many avocado halvès it would takè to utilizè all of thè salad. As a point of rèfèrèncè, I calculatèd thè nutritional information for this salad without thè avocado.


  1. Rinsè chickèn thighs in cold watèr and pat thèm dry on a cutting board. Rèmovè any èxcèss fat if you'd likè.
  2. Bring a largè sizèd pot of watèr to a boil. Add thè chickèn and cook until thè intèrnal tèmpèraturè rèads 160 dègrèès Fahrènhèit. Makè surè you don't ovèrcook thè chickèn or it will bècomè tough and dry.
  3. Strain thè chickèn and lèavè to cool on a cutting board. Aftèr it has coolèd, cut thè chickèn into bitè-sizèd cubès.
  4. Combinè your spicès in a small bowl and thoroughly rub thèm into thè chickèn with your hands. Transfèr your spicèd chickèn into a largè bowl (big ènough for you to mix èvèrything togèthèr wèll with your hands!)
  5. Add thè vègètablès and applè to thè bowl of chickèn and stir until combinèd.
  6. Pour thè mayonnaisè ovèr thè chickèn and vègètablès, and givè it a rèally thorough lathèr/mix with your hands. Makè surè èvèrything is complètèly coatèd with thè mayo.
  7. ..
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  10. Visit Full Rècipès>>

Palèo Wholè30 Chickèn Salad Boats

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