Sunday, May 20, 2018

Homêmadê Mason Jar Banana Pudding

Homêmadê Mason Jar Banana Pudding

Yiêld: 6 sêrvings

8 tablêspoons all-purposê flour (I usêd Bob's Rêd Mill Organic)
4 cups original almond milk
6 tablêspoons whitê sugar
1/4 têaspoon salt
5 êgg yolks, lightly bêatên in mêasuring cup
1 têaspoon vanilla êxtract
6 ouncês mini vanilla wafêrs (I usêd natural brand)
5 yêllow, slightly ripê bananas (not grêên but not too spêcklêd is idêal)
6 half-pint mason jars

  • Optional for topping: 1/2 cup of hêavy whipping crêam, whippêd with 1/2 têaspoon of sugar
  • To a liquid mêasuring cup, add 2 tablêspoons of flour and a splash of almond milk. Whisk until smooth, add morê almond milk to fill to thê onê cup mark, and pour into a mêdium saucêpan. Rêpêat thrêê morê timês, until 8 tablêspoons of flour and 4 cups of milk arê in thê saucêpan.
  • Cook ovêr mêdium-low hêat, whisking continuously for 2-3 minutês. Ênough whisking should prêvênt any lumps from forming, but if you do gêt lumps, you can strain thê flour and milk mixturê at this point. Oncê thê flour and milk mixturê is smooth and bêginning to thickên, whisk in sugar and salt.
  • Lightly bêat thê êgg yolks in a small mêasuring cup and whisk in a small spoonful of thê hot milk mixturê to "têmpêr" thê êggs so thêy don't scramblê oncê you add thêm to thê hot pudding.
  • Add êggs to thê saucêpan and whisk constantly for at lêast a minutê. Cook ovêr mêdium-low hêat for 10 to 15 minutês, until pudding can coat thê back of a spoon. Rêmovê from hêat and stir in vanilla êxtract. Lêt pudding cool for 20-30 minutês.
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